Welcome to SIGNS
At SIGNS you explore cutting edge ideas, world’s best health leaders and find professional mentors who challenge and let you think innovatively. Diversification of health professions and specialties, experience and backgrounds is key to health solution in fast changing world.Research and Training is backbone of health professions at all times and more so in the backdrop of COVID-19. There are quite few research and training opportunities for health and remains a big void especially in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. To bridge this gap, SIGNS platform has been launched to impart unique, relevant and essential research and training for health care professionals.
Why Choose Us?
within our overarching advancing research in health worldwide mission. SIGNS is devoted at ever level to serving the healthcare researchers, Academicians practitioners and piblic at large.
Innovatively training the next generation or healthcare practitioners ( Nutritionists, dietitian, doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists and scientists )
Our Mission
Supporting and translating scientific discoveries into better health for everyone . To open avenues for innovative research to improve patient and community health. To shape the dynamic and leading edge arena or Policy and Practice in Healthcare
To foster academic and industry collaborations as well as enhance education in early translational research and entrepreneurship To develop broad coalitions and partnerships at the local, regions
and national levels to enable a transformation of the research environment